viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Bad Tour - Rome 1988 Ametuar - [DVD]

This is a DVD containing all the songs, its duration is approximately 1:25:00, possibly the best quality available.

Another Part of Me Special MTV [DVD]

This DVD is a specialt on "Bad Tour Europe 1988  MTV" brings many clips included, its duration is approximately 25 minutes.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Bad Tour 1988 Rome TV Station Editorial Tape VHS HQ

Bad Tour TV Station Editorial Tape Mega Special Full Video HQ
Clips and shots of the Bad Tour and the crowd and impact of the Bad Tour in European Countries, its duration is approximately 30 minutes.

Michael Jackson - Live Royal Brunei 1996 - different version

This is a tape recorded from a single camera angle of the show "Royal Brunei 1996" her last about 22 minutes.

Dangerous World Tour - Brazil Report 1993 - HQ

This is a report of "Brazil 1993 Dangerous Tour" contains some clips and last about 17 minutes.

The Jacksons - Live Paris 1972 HQ [Tape Promo]

This is a promotion of the Jacksons  live in Paris HQ contains some songs,  its duration is approximately 28 minutes.

The Jacksond - Victory Tour New York 1984 - [Tape Promo]

This is a promo of the "Victory Tour New York 1984" directly from the VHS tape.
its duration is approximately 20 minutes, and contains the following songs.

  • Things I Do For You - Incomplete
  • Off The Wall - Full
  • Human Nature - Full
  • Human Nature - Camera angle left
  • Heartbreak Hotel - Camera angle left